Thursday, November 13, 2014

My Cheese Pizza

Made this pizza five days ago: I did not had anything to top it off other than some cheap cold cuts, so I decided to go for plain cheese kind of pizza. I got the dough at the Italian bakery for $1.50, and its a good dough that I have used on my last pizza [Chinese Food Pizza] about 2-3 weeks ago and decided to use it again. I amped-up the sauce a bit with some honey BBQ sauce and used average shredded cheese. The pizza came out really good/tasty and I ate it all within 1 hour.

Michelina's Zap'Ems Gourmet Homestyle Macaroni & Cheese

Got these at the Deals store for $1.00 per box [regular/green box Michelina's frozen meals are cranked-up to $1.25] and bought 3 of them since thats the number of them that is needed to have a good/hearty portion. It tastes decent but nothing special, and they sure didn't tasted "homestyle" to me.

Garden Made Cauliflower Georgian Style

Found this open jar of cauliflowers in sauce at my grandparents' place, took sample bite and ate whatever was in the jar - it was that good. I checked the Russian stores in my area and none of them carry it in stock. If I will find any more of these jars, I will buy at least 4 of them.

Ellio's Five Cheese Pizza

Got this pizza for $2.50 four days ago and made it right away. It was okay, but it could've used more cheese. I ate 2 slabs/slices and peeled the cheese from the 3rd one, and threw it out since I was full.

Entenmann's Ultimate Black and White Cookies

Entenmann's Ultimate/"Blue" line of products is always tasty, but they almost never stock the shelves with these products in my area, so when I see something from the Ultimate line - I buy it. These cookies tasted great and its not the first time I tried them. They are nice and moist and full of flavor. I got them for $2.50 on sale about 8-9 months ago.

Kiriyeshki Salami Snack Croutons

Got these Russian snack croutons over at the SmartCost Market Russian store for $0.50 per pack. The flavor supposed to be salami, but it did not tasted like it, just a bit of liquid smoke type of flavor to these croutons. I was hungry, so I ate them all and did not complained.

Mario Pitted Snack Olives

Found these olives over at Jack's World for $0.15 per pack and bought one. I'm not a huge olives fan, but they were alright and I ate them all.

Campbell's Heat and Eat Cheesy O's

Found a bunch of these Heat and Eat soups at Deals for $1.00 each several months ago, and I kinda forgot to make a tear on the bag on this one, so it exploded and made a mess, but the cheesy soup was edible and I enjoyed it. They don't have it anymore in stock [I checked].

Stop & Shop Strawberry Soda

Pretty good strawberry soda that I got at Stop & Shop for $0.77. It has nice carbonation, and thats the thing that I was concerned about. Too bad that the nearest Stop & Shop is far from me, otherwise the $0.77 price for 2-liter bottles is pretty cheap, and they have wide selection of their private label of sodas.

Costco Sample of Dragon Board Spicy Pork Potstickers

Pretty decent potstickers that were sampled-out at Costco about a month ago. I did not buy them since they weren't on sale, but taste-wise they were pretty good [I like them]: not too spicy.

Jell-O Handi-Snacks Soarin' Strawberry Gelatin Kool-Aid Snacks

Found these 4-packs of gelatin cups over at Kmart in Manhattan for $1.00; its the best price in the city for a 4-pack. The quality/taste is very good since its made by Jell-O. I bought around 17 of these and ate them all in about 4 days.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Smoked Salmon Lox by Pound

I was at the NetCost Market yesterday and while I was checking out the seafood section, I stumbled upon these pre-packed containers of smoked salmon lox. Low price of just $1.39 per pound [$1.60 per whole container] attracted me to buy it and give it a try. I was fully prepared that these salmon slices would be total rotten crap, and that I would probably throw them out, but after taking a small bite out of slice, it tasted not bad. I downed the first slice and then 3 more with some Portugese bread. The lighter, pink slices taste much better than darker ones and they don't really have off-putting flavor or smell to them, and I found that this salmon was generally enjoyable. I'd rather prefer that all slices be pinkish, but for $1.60 you get what you get, and you can throw it out if you don't like it.  Its not "Grade A" smoked salmon, but for such low price its practically a steal; an excellent value! I will definitely buy more of these pre-packed containers in the future.

Mom's Compote

Mom made this tasty compote out of water, sugar, apples, plums, raspberries and blueberries.

Hormel Real Bacon Bits

Bought several jars of these real bacon bits, that taste great [if not a bit salty] by themselves as a snacks. They were on clearance for $1.00 at the local Walgreens, so I had to get them all.

Costco's Sample of Tyson Buffalo Style Bites

Nice and juicy Buffalo style bites that were handed out over at Costco couple of weeks ago. Too bad that they were not on sale, because I would've bought them, but only on sale.

Slice of Pizza #10 from Slice Out Hunger 2014

A decent slice of pizza after I microwaved it back at home.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Samuel Adams Summer Ale

I did not liked this beer, it was too wheaty.